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St. Patrick's Day In The Morning
by Eve Bunting

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Amusing story!

Ewoks Join The Fight
by Michael Siglain

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I love how the rebels destroyed the bunker. It was a real mystery because they didn’t know how to destroy the bunker. I like mysteries.

Little people big dreams Taylor swift
by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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Love this story about an inspiring woman

I Can Build It!: An Acorn Book (princess Truly #3)
by Kelly Greenawalt

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It was a great book. It gives you ideas of making stuff.

Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy
by Erin Hunter

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It was an amazing book! I got a completely new perspective on the main character, Bluestar. It’s a book that genuinely makes you feel many different emotions. I really enjoyed this book. Warrior cats is certainly one of my favorite series. ??

Little people big dreams Taylor swift
by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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Love this story about an inspiring woman

The Seven Silly Eaters
by Mary Ann Hoberman

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A like reading it. it is a good book and it is funny and cool.

Little people big dreams Taylor swift
by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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Love this story about an inspiring woman

Emolga Makes Mischief
by Simcha Whitehill

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Just a good one.

Mouse Tales
by Arnold Lobel

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The chapter about the wind was my favorite